Thursday, January 8, 2009


I think so far exams are ok
Apparently I got 98 for Math Paper 1
Although I will do much worse in paper 2 as I always tend to disappoint myself

Chem was quite nice
I surprised myself and on the spur of the moment decided to do kinetics and energetics even though I am an advocate of the beauty of organic chemistry

English.. Ok I screwed up because I didn't mention the bloody PARTS OF THE HOUSE although I wrote 7 pages about THE HOUSE (and its inhabitants)

And we had exactly the same question for Psychology as we did last year (biological explanation of a psychological question, so I did aggression)

Today had French
I wrote a note to my French teacher about not doing my work
Which is quite ironic
And also a lengthy essay about "How to prepare yourself for the IB"
HAR. HAR. I should have just said "Don't bloody take the IB. It is self-destructive."
But Paper 1 was a little tricky because all the damn answers were so close together
And I didn't know Zinedane Zidane is Algerian

Today is so hot and my lips are cracking :(

Stupid ( )

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