Saturday, July 10, 2010


Instead of lamenting about the considerable amount of my lack of work I should just STFU and actually do some. Less QQ, more pew pew indeed.

pew pew

1. Sound made by lasers, usually related to Star Wars
2. Owning a person, usually related to World of Warcraft

"wow those lasers sounded like pew pew on the surround sound"

"dude you just pew pew his ass down!"

For want of a better thing to do I was putting cream on my hand because I wanted something better to do. So I was reading the back of the tube:

"Pudy's comfort cream is specially formulated to soothe tender skin. It also forms a moisture barrier to help protect a child's delicate skin from irritation."

Directions: Apply as needed to help prevent nappy (diaper) rash.


And you know what? I have nothing else to say. This lack of eventful occurences in my life is severely depressing. I can't even last more than a couple of lines speaking about how mundane my sorry existence is right now.

Niresh, you'd better be right about me getting used to it the next time round.

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